Monday 10 September 2012

Simple Registration Page with Database Connectivity in HTML and PHP: Part 1

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
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<title>LBSIM-Conference Management System</title>

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function validate(){
    if(document.form.fullName.value == ""){
        alert( "Name cannot be empty" );
        return false;
    if(document.form.age.value == ""){
        alert( "Age cannot be empty" );
        return false;
    if( == ""){
        alert( "Email cannot be empty" );;
        return false;
 if(document.form.password.value == ""){
        alert( "Password cannot be empty" );
        return false;
    if(document.form.username.value == ""){
        alert( "username cannot be empty" );
        return false;
    if(document.form.cnfpwd.value == ""){
        alert( "Confirm Password cannot be empty" );
        return false;
 if(document.form.cnfpwd.value ==document.form.password.value ){
        alert( "Passwords match" );
        return true;
 if(document.form.password.value.length<8 ){
        alert( "Password should be have atleast 8 character" );
        return false;
 if(document.form.cnfpwd.value !==document.form.pwd.value ){
        alert( "Passwords match" );
        return false;
    if( == ""){
        alert( "Phone Number cannot be empty" );;
        return false;
 if(document.form.qualification.value == ""){
        alert( "Qualification cannot be empty" );
        return false;
 if(document.form.gender.value == 0){
        alert( "Please select a gender" );
        return false;
 if(document.form.address.value == 0){
        alert( "Address field can not be left empty" );
        return false;
 if(document.form.Institute.value == 0){
        alert( "Institute field can not be left empty" );
        return false;
 if(document.form.expertise.value == 0){
        alert( "Area of Expertise field can not be left empty" );
        return false;
 if(document.form.workExperience.value == 0){
        alert( "Please enter your work experience" );
        return false;
 alert("Registration Successfull !");"Login.html");
    return true;   
<img src="Image/bannersketch.png" width="90%" height="90" />
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<form name="form" method="post" align = "center" onsubmit="return validate();" action="reg.php">

<font color="blue"><b>
Name:<input type="text" name="fullName" maxlength="16"></br>
Age:<input type="text" name="age" maxlength="2"></br>
Date Of Birth:<input type="text" name="DOB" maxlenght="10"></br>
<input type="radio" name="gender" value="male" /> Male
<input type="radio" name="gender" value="female" /> Female</br>
<label>Marital Status:</label><input type="radio" name="maritalStatus" value="single" />Single
<input type="radio" name="maritalStatus" value="married" /> Married</br>
<textarea name="qualification" rows="5" cols="20" maxlength="50"></textarea> </br>
Address:<input type="textarea" name="address" maxlength="50"></br>
Email:<input type="text" name="email" maxlength="30"></br>
Phone Number:<input type="text" name="phone" maxlength="10"></br>
Institute:<input type="text" name="Institute" maxlength="50"></br>
Area of Expertise:<input type="text" name="expertise" maxlength="30"></br>
Work Experience:<input type ="text" name="workExperience" maxlength="2"></br>
<font color="red"><i>
<p> Please Create a user account with us that would be used for next time Login</p>
Username:<input type="text" id="username" name="username" maxlength="20" minlength="10">
Password:<input type="password" id="pwd" name="password" maxlength="20" minlength="8"></br>
Confirm Password:<input type="password" name="cnfpwd" id="cnfpwd" maxlength="20" minlength="8">
<input type="submit" value="register" name="register" align="middle">

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